Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Since I last posted... much has happened! Including receiving an Artist Fellowship AND as part of that honor, being invited to participate in an exhibition called "Loss|Gain" currently up and on display with the Connecticut Office of the Arts through November 1! Click the image below for more information.

     A special reception is happening tomorrow and I'll be back to share more about that, the exhibition, an upcoming magazine article, a solo exhibition earlier this year and all the new pieces I've been working on.

    One of the pieces I have on display at Loss|Gain is a 10 ft by 12 ft piece called "That Was Then, This is Now".  Yes, you read that right... 10 FEET by 12 FEET! :-) In the meantime, some folks have asked about pictures of my work.  So until I get my new work posted, this post here shows some of the work I submitted with my grant application.   And you can always like my Facebook page to hear about the latest happenings on my journey as an artist.

     Happy Creating!